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SIEGE: Self-Supervised Incremental Deep Graph Learning for Ethereum Phishing Scam Detection

Published: 27 October 2023 Publication History


The phishing scams pose a serious threat to the ecosystem of Ethereum which is one of the largest blockchains in the world. Such a type of cyberattack recently has caused losses of millions of dollars. In this paper, we propose a Self-supervised IncrEmental deep Graph lEarning (SIEGE) model, for the phishing scam detection problem on Ethereum. To overcome the data scalability challenge, we propose splitting the original Ethereum transaction data and constructing transaction graphs for each split. Confronted with the minimal labeled data available, we resort to graph-based self-supervised learning. We design a spatial pretext task to learn high-quality node embeddings inside a single graph split, as well as an incremental learning paradigm and a temporal pretext task to facilitate information flow between different graph splits. To evaluate the effectiveness of SIEGE, we gather a real-world dataset consisting of six-month Ethereum transaction records. The results demonstrate that our model consistently outperforms baseline approaches in both transductive and inductive settings.


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  1. SIEGE: Self-Supervised Incremental Deep Graph Learning for Ethereum Phishing Scam Detection



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