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LHNet: A Low-cost Hybrid Network for Single Image Dehazing

Published: 27 October 2023 Publication History


Single image dehazing is a challenging task that requires both local detail and global distribution, and can be applied to various scenarios. However, physics-based dehazing algorithms perform well only in specific settings, while CNN-based algorithms struggle with capturing global information, and ViT-based approaches suffer from inadequate representation of local details. The shortcomings of the above three types of methods lead to issues such as imbalanced colors and incoherent details in the predicted haze-free image. To address these challenges, we propose a new Low-cost Hybrid Network called LHNet. The key insight of LHNet is the effective hybrid of different features, which can achieve better information fusion in the form of feature awareness at the cost of few parameters. This fusion approach narrows the gap between different features and enables LHNet to autonomously choose the fusion granularity to maximize the utilization of prior, local and global information. Extensive experiments are performed on the mainstream dehazing datasets, and the results show that LHNet achieves state-of-the-art performance in single image dehazing. By adopting our fusion approach, a better dehazing effect can be achieved than with other dehazing algorithms with more parameters, even when only CNN and ViT are used. The code is available at

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  1. LHNet: A Low-cost Hybrid Network for Single Image Dehazing



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    1. efficient hybrid mechanism
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