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BiFPro: A Bidirectional Facial-data Protection Framework against DeepFake

Published: 27 October 2023 Publication History


The rapid progress of the DeepFake technique has caused severe privacy problems. Thus protecting facial data against DeepFake becomes an urgent requirement. Face protection can be regarded as a bidirectional process: Face-out-detection (FOD) and Face-in-forensics (FIF). For FOD, the detectability should be satisfied when using the protected face to replace other faces. For FIF, traceability should be guaranteed when the protected face is replaced by others. For this, we propose a Bidirectional Facial-data Protection Framework (BiFPro) to protect face data comprehensively. This framework is composed of three main parts: Watermarking embedding, Face-out-detection (FOD) and Face-in-forensics (FIF). For the FOD case, we ensure the vulnerability of the original face by embedding fragile watermarking. Once the protected facial image is used to replace other faces, the watermarking information will be corrupted in the synthesized face images which can be used to detect the authenticity of the protected facial images. As for the FIF case, we guarantee the traceability of the protected face image by embedding robust watermarking, with which the fake faces can be traced with the reserved watermarking even after the face is swapped. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed BiFPro could generate the watermarking which is fragile to FOD and at the same time robust to FIF with an average watermark extraction success rate reaching more than 95% when defending against the four advanced DeepFake techniques. Finally, we hope this work can encourage more initiative countermeasures against DeepFake.

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Cited By

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  • (2024)Dual-Task Cascaded for Proactive Deepfake Detection Using QPCET WatermarkingPattern Recognition and Computer Vision10.1007/978-981-97-8490-5_10(132-147)Online publication date: 7-Nov-2024



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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 27 October 2023


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  1. deepfake
  2. digital watermarking
  3. forensics
  4. traceability


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  • Key Research and Development program of Anhui Province
  • Natural Science Foundation of China
  • Ant Group through CCF-Ant Innovative Research Program


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  • (2024)Dual-Task Cascaded for Proactive Deepfake Detection Using QPCET WatermarkingPattern Recognition and Computer Vision10.1007/978-981-97-8490-5_10(132-147)Online publication date: 7-Nov-2024

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