Cited By
View all- Zhao LXie Q(2024)Distribution-Level Multi-View Clustering for Unaligned DataIEEE Signal Processing Letters10.1109/LSP.2024.344094831(2330-2334)Online publication date: 2024
Multi-task clustering and multi-view clustering have severally found wide applications and received much attention in recent years. Nevertheless, there are many clustering problems that involve both multi-task clustering and multi-view clustering, i.e., ...
K-means is a very efficient clustering method and many multi-view k-means clustering methods have been proposed for multi-view clustering during the past decade. However, since k-means have trouble uncovering clusters of varying sizes and ...
Multi-view clustering has become an important extension of ensemble clustering. In multi-view clustering, we apply clustering algorithms on different views of the data to obtain different cluster labels for the same set of objects. These results are ...
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