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View all- Udhayasekar SSrinivasan KKumar PChilukuri B(2024)Label-Setting Algorithm for Multi-Destination K Simple Shortest Paths Problem and ApplicationAlgorithms10.3390/a1708032517:8(325)Online publication date: 25-Jul-2024
We study acceleration methods for point-to-point shortest path and constrained shortest path computations in directed graphs, in particular in road and railroad networks. Our acceleration methods are allowed to use a preprocessing of the network data to ...
We consider the problem of constructing shortest path maps in two dimensions under angle constraint. Shortest path maps are used for planning short length paths from a fixed source point s to varying goal points. In the standard shortest path map the ...
The multiple pairs shortest path problem (MPSP) arises in many applications where the shortest paths and distances between only some specific pairs of origin-destination (OD) nodes in a network are desired. The traditional repeated single-source shortest ...
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