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Evaluating HPC Job Run Time Predictions Using Application Input Parameters

Published: 27 June 2023 Publication History


It is difficult to accurately predict application run times in high performance computing (HPC), yet these predictions have useful applications in job scheduling and user feedback. User-led predictions can be inaccurate for a variety of factors, including inexperience, user burden, and an incentive to overpredict. Most automated efforts consider standardized job inputs from submission scripts but ignore application input parameters. Application input parameters can greatly enhance run time prediction accuracy but have typically been avoided due to the need for manual, per-application parameter collection.
In this paper, we evaluate and compare the trade-offs between conventional, job script-based predictors and specialized, application input-based predictors. This is accomplished by testing 20 machine learning model variants and four traditional predictors against a suite of five applications. This suite includes four commonly used and representative proxy applications and one real-world application. For reproducibility and extensibility, we provide the source code of our testing framework and our data set, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first known publicized data set to include application input parameters alongside standard job parameters. We determine that the random forest regressor offers the best trade-off between accuracy and training time among all tested model variants. We show that job parameters alone are insufficient to produce adequate predictions while application input parameters provide excellent results, as high as 99% R2, and typically outperform the use of job parameters alone.


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DEBS '23: Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems
June 2023
221 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 27 June 2023


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