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Empirical Review of Various Thermography-based Computer-aided Diagnostic Systems for Multiple Diseases

Published: 08 May 2023 Publication History


The lifestyle led by today’s generation and its negligence towards health is highly susceptible to various diseases. Developing countries are at a higher risk of mortality due to late-stage presentation, inaccessible diagnosis, and high-cost treatment. Thermography-based technology, aided with machine learning, for screening inflammation in the human body is non-invasive and cost-wise appropriate. It requires very little equipment, especially in rural areas with limited facilities. Recently, Thermography-based monitoring has been deployed worldwide at various organizations and public gathering points as a first measure of screening COVID-19 patients. In this article, we systematically compare the state-of-the-art feature extraction approaches for analyzing thermal patterns in the human body, individually and in combination, on a platform using three publicly available Datasets of medical thermal imaging, four Feature Selection methods, and four well-known Classifiers, and analyze the results. We developed and used a two-level sampling method for training and testing the classification model. Among all the combinations considered, the classification model with Unified Feature-Sets gave the best performance for all the datasets. Also, the experimental results show that the classification accuracy improves considerably with the use of feature selection methods. We obtained the best performance with a features subset of 45, 57, and 39 features (from Unified Feature Set) with a combination of mRMR and SVM for DB-DMR-IR and DB-FOOT-IR and a combination of ReF and RF for DB-THY-IR. Also, we found that for all the feature subsets, the features obtained are relevant, non-redundant, and distinguish normal and abnormal thermal patterns with the accuracy of 94.75% on the DB-DMR-IR dataset, 93.14% on the DB-FOOT-IR dataset, and 92.06% on the DB-THY-IR dataset.


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  1. Empirical Review of Various Thermography-based Computer-aided Diagnostic Systems for Multiple Diseases



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
      ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 14, Issue 3
      June 2023
      451 pages
      • Editor:
      • Huan Liu
      Issue’s Table of Contents


      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 08 May 2023
      Online AM: 16 February 2023
      Accepted: 29 December 2022
      Revised: 15 December 2022
      Received: 25 July 2022
      Published in TIST Volume 14, Issue 3


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      1. Breast cancer
      2. medical thermography
      3. diabetes
      4. thyroid cancer
      5. feature extraction
      6. classification
      7. feature selection


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      • (2024)Self-derived Knowledge Graph Contrastive Learning for RecommendationProceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia10.1145/3664647.3681693(7571-7580)Online publication date: 28-Oct-2024
      • (2024) Segmenting hotspots from medical thermal images using Density-based modified FC- P c FS with spatial information Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal10.1080/17686733.2024.2408714(1-37)Online publication date: 10-Oct-2024

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