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Class-Specific Word Sense Aware Topic Modeling via Soft Orthogonalized Topics

Published: 21 October 2023 Publication History


We propose a word sense aware topic model for document classification based on soft orthogonalized topics. An essential problem for this task is to capture word senses related to classes, i.e., class-specific word senses. Traditional models mainly introduce semantic information of knowledge libraries for word sense discovery. However, this information may not align with the classification targets, because these targets are often subjective and task-related. We aim to model the class-specific word senses in topic space. The challenge is to optimize the class separability of the senses, i.e., obtaining sense vectors with (a) high intra-class and (b) low inter-class similarities. Most existing models predefine specific topics for each class to specify the class-specific sense vectors. We call them hard orthogonalization based methods. These methods can hardly achieve both (a) and (b) since they assume the conditional independence of topics to classes and inevitably lose topic information. To this problem, we propose soft orthogonalization for topics. Specifically, we reserve all the topics and introduce a group of class-specific weights for each word to handle the importance of topic dimensions to class separability. Besides, we detect and use highly class-specific words in each document to guide sense estimation. Our experiments on two standard datasets show that our proposal outperforms other state-of-the-art models in terms of accuracy of sense estimation, document classification, and topic modeling. In addition, our joint learning experiments with the pre-trained language model BERT showcased the best complementarity of our model in most cases compared to other topic models.

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In our research, we introduce a word sense aware topic model tailored for document classification, emphasizing class-specific word senses. Traditional methods often rely on general knowledge libraries for word sense discovery, which may not always align with specific classification goals. Our solution? Soft orthogonalization for topics. Unlike existing models that predefine topics for each class, our approach retains all topics and assigns class-specific weights to each word, optimizing for both intra-class and inter-class similarities. We also leverage highly class-specific words in documents for better sense estimation. Our tests on two benchmark datasets reveal superior performance in sense estimation, document classification, and topic modeling. When combined with the renowned BERT model, our method consistently showcases enhanced complementarity. Watch this video to learn more about our proposed approach.


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  • (2025)Reducing Data Volume in News Topic Classification: Deep Learning Framework and DatasetIEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society10.1109/OJCS.2024.35197476(153-164)Online publication date: 2025



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Published: 21 October 2023


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  1. document classification
  2. document representation
  3. graphical model
  4. topic model
  5. word sense disambiguation


  • Research-article

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  • Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China
  • ZhejiangZhejiang laboratory
  • Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China


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  • (2025)Reducing Data Volume in News Topic Classification: Deep Learning Framework and DatasetIEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society10.1109/OJCS.2024.35197476(153-164)Online publication date: 2025

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