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ELTRA: An Embedding Method based on Learning-to-Rank to Preserve Asymmetric Information in Directed Graphs

Published: 21 October 2023 Publication History


Double-vector embedding methods capture the asymmetric information in directed graphs first, and then preserve them in the embedding space by providingtwo latent vectors, i.e., source and target, per node. Although these methods are known to besuperior to the single-vector ones (i.e., providing asingle latent vector per node), wepoint out their three drawbacks as inability to preserve asymmetry on NU-paths, inability to preserve global nodes similarity, and impairing in/out-degree distributions. To address these, we first proposeCRW, anovel similarity measure for graphs that considers contributions ofboth in-links and out-links in similarity computation,without ignoring their directions. Then, we proposeELTRA, aneffective double-vector embedding method to preserve asymmetric information in directed graphs. ELTRA computesasymmetry preserving proximity scores (AP-scores) by employing CRW in which the contribution of out-links and in-links in similarity computation isupgraded anddowngraded, respectively. Then, for every node u, ELTRA selects its top-tclosest nodes based on AP-scores andconforms theranks of their corresponding target vectors w.r.t u's source vector in the embedding space to theiroriginal ranks. Our extensive experimental results withseven real-world datasets andsixteen embedding methods show that (1) CRWsignificantly outperforms Katz and RWR in computing nodes similarity in graphs, (2) ELTRAoutperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods in graph reconstruction, link prediction, and node classification tasks.


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Index Terms

  1. ELTRA: An Embedding Method based on Learning-to-Rank to Preserve Asymmetric Information in Directed Graphs



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    1. directed graph embedding
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