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Federated News Recommendation with Fine-grained Interpolation and Dynamic Clustering

Published: 21 October 2023 Publication History


Researchers have successfully adapted the privacy-preserving Federated Learning (FL) to news recommendation tasks to better protect users' privacy, although typically at the cost of performance degradation due to the data heterogeneity issue. To address this issue, Personalized Federated Learning (PFL) has emerged, among which model interpolation is a promising approach that interpolates the local personalized models with the global model. However, the existing model interpolation method may not work well for news recommendation tasks for some reasons. First, it neglects the fine-grained personalization needs at both the temporal and spatial levels in news recommendation tasks. Second, due to the cold-user problem in real-world news recommendation tasks, the local personalized models may perform poorly, thus limiting the performance gain from model interpolation. To this end, we propose FINDING (Federated News Recommendation with Fine-grained Interpolation and Dynamic Clustering ), a novel personalized federated learning framework based on model interpolation. Specifically, we first propose the fine-grained model interpolation strategy which interpolates the local personalized models with the global model in a time-aware and layer-aware way. Then, to address the cold-user problem in news recommendation tasks, we adopt the group-level personalization approach where users are dynamically clustered into groups and the group-level personalized models are used for interpolation. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show that our method can effectively handle the above limitations of the current model interpolation method and alleviate the heterogeneity issue faced by traditional FL.


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Published: 21 October 2023


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