Démarche de conception participative d'une application mobile motivationnelle pour l'autogestion de la lombalgie chronique: Co-design process of a motivational mobile application for the self-management of chronic low back pain
Article No.: 15, Pages 1 - 17
The market for mobile health applications is growing rapidly, but few of these applications are based on evidence-based guidelines. In the case of chronic low back pain, some studies have attempted to identify user needs in order to propose recommendations for the design of digital interventions. However, the specification of human-machine interactions adapted to these needs is poorly described. In this study, we propose a participatory design approach for the design of a mobile application to support self-management of low back pain. We present the results of qualitative and quantitative methods to identify patients' needs and specify the associated human-machine interactions. Then we present the results of workshops conducted with patients in order to validate the human-machine interactions adapted to the previously identified needs. Finally, we propose several recommendations for the design of a mobile application for self-management of chronic low back pain.
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Démarche de Conception Centrée Utilisateur de Systèmes d’Aide numériques à la Mobilité pour Personnes avec Déficience Intellectuelle
IHM '23 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 34th Conference on l'Interaction Humain-MachineLes démarches de conception centrées sur l’utilisateur sont couramment utilisées lors du développement de systèmes interactifs. Cependant il n’est pas toujours facile d’adapter les démarches existantes quand les utilisateurs cibles ont une déficience ...
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