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Toward Value Scenario Generation Through Large Language Models

Published: 14 October 2023 Publication History


We propose a method of generating value scenarios for design research by leveraging ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot based on large language models. Identifying the needs of a vulnerable population, such as North Korean defectors, is challenging for researchers. To address this, we introduce ChatGPT-generated value scenarios, an extension of scenario-based design that supports critical, systemic, long-term thinking in current design practice, technology development, and deployment. Using our proposed method, we created a prompt to generate value scenarios on ChatGPT. Based on our analysis of the generated scenarios, we identified that ChatGPT could generate plausible information about Value Implications. However, it lacks details on Pervasiveness and Systemic Effects. After discussing the limitations and opportunities of ChatGPT in generating value scenarios, we conclude with suggestions for how ChatGPT might be better used to generate value scenarios.


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    CSCW '23 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2023 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
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