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Starrypia: An AR Gamified Music Adjuvant Treatment Application for Children with Autism Based on Combined Therapy

Published: 29 October 2023 Publication History


In this paper, we present Starrypia, a lightweight gamified music adjuvant treatment application to improve the symptoms of mild autistic children, eliminating the geographical and time constraints faced by traditional treatment. Adopting ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) behavioral theory as the principle, Starrypia follows the stimulus-response-reinforcement-pause process and incorporates music therapy and sensory integration. Based on AR, Starrypia provides multi-sensory intervention through music generated by BiLSTM deep model, 3D visual scenes, touch interaction to keep children focused and calm. We conducted a controlled experiment on 20 children to test Starrypia’s effectiveness and attraction. Children’s pre-test and post-test scores on two autism rating scales and performance during the test were applied to measure their abilities and engagement. Experimental results indicated that children showed great interest in Starrypia and presented evident symptom remission and advance in overall abilities after 4 weeks of use. In conclusion, Starrypia is practicable in both therapeutic effect and user experience, and conspicuously instrumental in promoting sensory ability.

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  • (2024)Foldiverse: Augmenting Paper Folding Physiotherapy for Children with Autism via Family-Centered Mixed Reality DesignCompanion Proceedings of the 2024 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play10.1145/3665463.3678823(378-383)Online publication date: 14-Oct-2024
  • (2024)DentAR: Innovating Dental Visits with Sensory Experiences in AR for People with Autism Spectrum DisorderExtended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3613905.3650926(1-7)Online publication date: 11-May-2024

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