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AR-Enhanced Workouts: Exploring Visual Cues for At-Home Workout Videos in AR Environment

Published: 29 October 2023 Publication History


In recent years, with growing health consciousness, at-home workout has become increasingly popular for its convenience and safety. Most people choose to follow video guidance during exercising. However, our preliminary study revealed that fitness-minded people face challenges when watching exercise videos on handheld devices or fixed monitors, such as limited movement comprehension due to static camera angles and insufficient feedback. To address these issues, we reviewed popular workout videos, identified user requirements, and came up with an augmented reality (AR) solution. Following a user-centered iterative design process, we proposed a design space of AR visual cues for workouts and implemented an AR-based application. Specifically, we captured users’ exercise performance with pose-tracking technology and provided feedback via AR visual cues. Two user experiments showed that incorporating AR visual cues could improve movement comprehension and enable users to adjust their movements based on real-time feedback. Finally, we presented several suggestions to inspire future design and apply AR visual cues to sports training.

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Appendix and Video Demo


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