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How Conscious Learning Unifies Mechanisms

Published: 08 June 2023 Publication History


This is a theoretical paper, as a companion paper of the keynote talk at AIEE 2023. Dreyfus wrote “further significant progress in Cognitive Simulation or in Artificial Intelligence is extremely unlikely.” Such a view seems to be rooted in the definition of consciousness which is still ad hoc in nature. This paper provides, for the first time as far as the author is aware of, a unified theory and methodology for unifying mechanisms for distractors, data, rules, intents, value, and consciousness along with how conscious learning by a Developmental Network would likely demonstrate conscious machines in the future. The paper calls for brain-size humanoid chips that learn on the fly.


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  • (2024)On Skull-Closed Machine Thinking Based on Emergent Turing MachinesIEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence10.1109/TAI.2023.33373225:6(3057-3071)Online publication date: Jun-2024

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    AIEE '23: Proceedings of the 2023 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Electronics Engineering
    January 2023
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    Published: 08 June 2023


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    1. conscious learning
    2. conscious machines
    3. imitation
    4. intents
    5. neural networks
    6. sensorimotor learning
    7. universal Turing machines


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    • (2024)On Skull-Closed Machine Thinking Based on Emergent Turing MachinesIEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence10.1109/TAI.2023.33373225:6(3057-3071)Online publication date: Jun-2024

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