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View all- Maulidevi NAji BHikmawati ESurendro K(2023)Modeling Integrated Sustainability Monitoring System for Carbon Footprint in Higher Education BuildingsIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2023.333389011(135365-135376)Online publication date: 2023
Global warming is starting to become a major issue to maintain the sustainability of the environment and the earth. This phenomenon is caused by high greenhouse gas emissions, most of which come from human activities. At the university level, there have ...
The large-scale transportation infrastructure construction in developing countries such as Malaysia requires emission estimation method for better calculation. The aim of this paper is to estimate the carbon footprint emission in the unit of ton of ...
Based on Life Cycle Assessment and other related methods, this paper introduced a comprehensive model for the evaluation of the carbon footprint and greenhouse gases emission in household biogas plants including nearly all the processes of the household ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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