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An Adversarial Attack Considering Effectiveness and Concealment on Faster R-CNN

Published: 12 June 2023 Publication History


A well-designed adversarial attack method can expose the security vulnerabilities of the deep neural network models, thus providing support examples for defense strategies such as adversarial training. This paper investigates the adversarial attack against the object detection model Faster R-CNN. First, this work takes Faster R-CNN as a target model and formulates the adversarial attack as a multi-objective optimization problem. Second, a constrain considering perturbation magnitude, class label scores and bounding boxes coordinates is introduced to guarantee effectiveness and concealment of the attack. Finally, the proposed method is verified on two benchmark datasets for object detection. The experimental results show that the generated adversarial examples can reduce the @[.5,.95] of Faster R-CNN from 39.9% to 0.8% and 35.0% to 0.1% on MSCOCO2017 and TT100K, respectively. In addition, the generated perturbation achieves considerable concealment, where the average of perturbation magnitude in L1 norm only reaches 13.99 and 0.71 on the two benchmark datasets.


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  1. An Adversarial Attack Considering Effectiveness and Concealment on Faster R-CNN



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    Published: 12 June 2023


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