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Efficient Video Portrait Reenactment via Grid-based Codebook

Published: 23 July 2023 Publication History


While progress has been made in the field of portrait reenactment, the problem of how to efficiently produce high-fidelity and accurate videos remains. Recent studies build direct mappings between driving signals and their predictions, leading to failure cases when synthesizing background textures and detailed local motions. In this paper, we propose the Video Portrait via Grid-based Codebook (VPGC) framework, which achieves efficient and high-fidelity portrait modeling. Our key insight is to query driving signals in a position-aware textural codebook with an explicit grid structure. The grid-based codebook stores delicate textural information locally according to our observations on video portraits, which can be learned efficiently and precisely. We subsequently design a Prior-Guided Driving Module to predict reliable features from the driving signals, which can be later decoded back to high-quality video portraits by querying the codebook. Comprehensive experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of our approach.

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July 2023
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Published: 23 July 2023


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