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DARAM: Dynamic Avatar-Human Motion Remapping Technique for Realistic Virtual Stair Ascending Motions

Published: 23 July 2023 Publication History


This paper introduces DARAM, a dynamic avatar-human motion remapping technique that enables VR users to ascend virtual stairs. The primary design goal is to provide a realistic sensation of virtual stair walking while accounting for discrepancies between the user’s real body motion and the avatar’s motion, arising due to the virtual stairs present only in the virtual environment. Another design goal is to make DARAM applicable to dynamic multi-user environments. To this end, DARAM is designed to achieve motion remapping dynamically without requiring prior information about virtual stairs or environments, simplifying implementation in diverse VR applications. Furthermore, DARAM aims to synthesize avatar motion that delivers not only a realistic first-person experience but also a believable third-person experience for surrounding observers, making it applicable to multi-user VR applications. Two user studies demonstrate that the proposed technique successfully serves our design goals.

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Index Terms

  1. DARAM: Dynamic Avatar-Human Motion Remapping Technique for Realistic Virtual Stair Ascending Motions



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    Published: 23 July 2023


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    1. Locomotion
    2. Remapping
    3. Virtual reality
    4. Virtual stair


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