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Conversational Context-sensitive Ad Generation with a Few Core-Queries

Published: 11 September 2023 Publication History


When people are talking together in front of digital signage, advertisements that are aware of the context of the dialogue will work the most effectively. However, it has been challenging for computer systems to retrieve the appropriate advertisement from among the many options presented in large databases. Our proposed system, the Conversational Context-sensitive Advertisement generator (CoCoA), is the first attempt to apply masked word prediction to web information retrieval that takes into account the dialogue context. The novelty of CoCoA is that advertisers simply need to prepare a few abstract phrases, called Core-Queries, and then CoCoA automatically generates a context-sensitive expression as a complete search query by utilizing a masked word prediction technique that adds a word related to the dialogue context to one of the prepared Core-Queries. This automatic generation frees the advertisers from having to come up with context-sensitive phrases to attract users’ attention. Another unique point is that the modified Core-Query offers users speaking in front of the CoCoA system a list of context-sensitive advertisements. CoCoA was evaluated by crowd workers regarding the context-sensitivity of the generated search queries against the dialogue text of multiple domains prepared in advance. The results indicated that CoCoA could present more contextual and practical advertisements than other web-retrieval systems. Moreover, CoCoA acquired a higher evaluation in a particular conversation that included many travel topics to which the Core-Queries were designated, implying that it succeeded in adapting the Core-Queries for the specific ongoing context better than the compared method without any effort on the part of the advertisers. In addition, case studies with users and advertisers revealed that the context-sensitive advertisements generated by CoCoA also had an effect on the content of the ongoing dialogue. Specifically, since pairs unfamiliar with each other more frequently referred to the advertisement CoCoA displayed, the advertisements had an effect on the topics about which the pairs spoke. Moreover, participants of an advertiser role recognized that some of the search queries generated by CoCoA fit the context of a conversation and that CoCoA improved the effect of the advertisement. In particular, they learned how to design of designing a good Core-Query at ease by observing the users’ response to the advertisements retrieved with the generated search queries.


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ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems  Volume 13, Issue 3
September 2023
263 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 11 September 2023
Online AM: 23 March 2023
Accepted: 25 February 2023
Revised: 25 February 2023
Received: 21 June 2022
Published in TIIS Volume 13, Issue 3


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  1. Dialogue
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  4. query generation
  5. mask prediction


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