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A Framework for Privacy Preserving Localized Graph Pattern Query Processing

Published: 20 June 2023 Publication History


This paper studies privacy preserving graph pattern query services in a cloud computing paradigm. In such a paradigm, data owner stores the large data graph to a powerful cloud hosted by a service provider (SP) and users send their queries to SP for query processing. However, as SP may not always be trusted, the sensitive information of users' queries, importantly, the query structures, should be protected. In this paper, we study how to outsource the localized graph pattern queries (LGPQs) on the SP side with privacy preservation. LGPQs include a rich set of semantics, such as subgraph homomorphism, subgraph isomorphism, and strong simulation, for which each matched graph pattern is located in a subgraph called ball that have a restriction on its size. To provide privacy preserving query service for LGPQs, this paper proposes the first framework, called Prilo, that enables users to privately obtain the query results. To further optimize Prilo, we propose Prilo* that comprises the first bloom filter for trees in the trust execution environment (TEE) on SP, a query-oblivious twiglet-based technique for pruning non-answers, and a secure retrieval scheme of balls that enables user to obtain query results early. We conduct detailed experiments on real world datasets to show that Prilo* is on average 4x faster than the baseline, and meanwhile, preserves query privacy.

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Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data  Volume 1, Issue 2
June 2023
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Published: 20 June 2023
Published in PACMMOD Volume 1, Issue 2


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  1. database outsourcing
  2. localized graph pattern query
  3. query obliviousness
  4. trusted execution environment (TEE)


  • Research-article

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  • NSF of China for Joint Fund Project
  • NSFC


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