It is our great pleasure to welcome you to The ACM Web Conference 2024 held in person with virtual components on May 13-17, 2024, in Singapore. It is the 33rd edition of a series of yearly international conferences on the future directions of the Web. This is also the first time that the conference is held in Singapore, a sunny tropical island full of possibilities!
The Web Conference, formerly known as International World Wide Web Conference and abbreviated as WWW, began the journey in 1994 at CERN. This conference has been the premier venue to present and discuss progress in research, development, standards and applications of topics related to the Web. The Web Conference has been the forum where some of the most fundamental Web technologies have been introduced, such as the Anatomy of a Large-Scale Web Search Engine in 1998, prefiguring Google, the EigenTrust algorithm in 2003, influencing reputation management distributed networks, and the YAGO knowledge base in 2007, anticipating the numerous developments over knowledge graphs.
The conference has one unifying goal: to envision and create the future of the Web. In the last three decades, the scholars, researchers, practitioners, policymakers and commercial ventures came to this conference to present research results, discuss the evolution of Web, and the impact of Web technologies on society and culture. Today, the conference also embraces the elements of AI, LLM (Large Language Models) and multimodality into the Web. There will be more debate on how to integrate these elements into the Web technologies for the creation of a fair and inclusive Web development ecology.
The program of this year's edition includes four distinguished keynote talks by the world-renowned experts: Bo Zhang and Jie Tang from Tsinghua University, Jon Kleinberg from Cornell University, Bin Liu from National University of Singapore, and Jeannie Marie Paterson from The University of Melbourne. The high-quality program is composed of 16 workshops, 20 tutorials, research tracks with oral presentations and poster sessions, industry tracks with oral and poster presentations, short paper poster and demo sessions, a resource track, a panel and a PhD symposium. In addition, we have two special tracks (Web4Good, History of the Web) and three special days (Online Trust and Safety Day, Large Language Model Day, and Health Day). Following the tradition, we have the Web4All as a co-located conference, highlighting the latest research results in Web accessibility. We also have a journal track built in coordination with the TWEB journal, which offers the opportunity for authors of the three selected journal papers to come and present their works at the conference.
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
WWW '18 | 1,155 | 170 | 15% |
WWW '17 | 966 | 164 | 17% |
WWW '17 Companion | 966 | 164 | 17% |
WWW '16 | 727 | 115 | 16% |
WWW '16 Companion | 727 | 115 | 16% |
WWW '15 | 929 | 131 | 14% |
WWW '14 | 645 | 84 | 13% |
WWW '13 Companion | 1,250 | 831 | 66% |
WWW '13 | 831 | 125 | 15% |
Overall | 8,196 | 1,899 | 23% |