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GEES: Enabling Location Privacy-Preserving Energy Saving in Multi-Access Edge Computing

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History


The global deployment of the 5G network has led to a substantial increase in the deployment of edge servers to host web applications, catering to the growing demand for low service latency by edge web users. Yet, running edge servers 24/7 leads to enormous energy consumption and excessive carbon emissions. Energy-efficient edge resource provision is desired to achieve sustainable development goals in the new multi-access edge computing (MEC) architecture. Recently, several approaches have been proposed to solve the demand response problem for energy saving in cloud computing and MEC. However, accurate location information of edge web users should always be provided, which sacrifices users' privacy. To protect edge web users' location privacy while saving energy in MEC, we systematically formulate this location privacy-preserving edge demand response (LEDR) problem. To solve the LEDR problem effectively and efficiently, we propose a system named GEES by incorporating differential geo-obfuscation to secure user privacy while maximizing system utility and energy efficiency through inferences with theoretical analysis. Extensive and comprehensive experiments are conducted based on a synthetic real-world dataset, and the results demonstrate that GEES outperforms representative approaches by 23.02%, 31.47%, and 17.29% on average in terms of energy efficiency, user privacy and system utility.

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Published: 13 May 2024


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  1. edge energy saving
  2. location privacy
  3. multi-access edge computing


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  • Australian Research Council Discovery Project


WWW '24
WWW '24: The ACM Web Conference 2024
May 13 - 17, 2024
Singapore, Singapore

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