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SymLearn: A Symbiotic Crowd-AI Collective Learning Framework to Web-based Healthcare Policy Adherence Assessment

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History


This paper develops a symbiotic human-AI collective learning framework that explores the complementary strengths of both AI and crowdsourced human intelligence to address a novel Web-based healthcare-policy-adherence assessment (WebHA) problem. In particular, the objective of the WebHA problem is to automatically assess people's public health policy adherence during emergent global health crisis events (e.g., COVID-19, MonkeyPox) by exploring massive social media imagery data. Recent advances in human-AI systems exhibit a significant potential in addressing the intricate imagery-based classification problems like WebHA by leveraging the collective intelligence of both humans and AI. This paper aims to address the limitation of existing human-AI systems that often rely heavily on human intelligence to improve AI model performance while overlooking the fact that humans themselves can be fallible and prone to errors. To address the above limitation, this paper develops SymLearn, a symbiotic human-AI co-learning framework that leverages human intelligence to troubleshoot and fine-tune the AI model while using AI models to guide human crowd workers to reduce the inherent human errors in their labels. Extensive experiments on two real-world WebHA applications show that SymLearn clearly outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines by improving WebHA performance and reducing crowd response delay.

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Index Terms

  1. SymLearn: A Symbiotic Crowd-AI Collective Learning Framework to Web-based Healthcare Policy Adherence Assessment



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