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A Symbolic Rule Integration Framework with Logic Transformer for Inductive Relation Prediction

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History


Relation prediction in knowledge graphs (KGs) aims at predicting missing relations in incomplete triples, whereas the dominant paradigm by KG embeddings has a limitation to predict the relation between unseen entities. This situation is called an inductive setting, which is more common in the real-world scenario. To handle this issue, implicit symbolic rules have shown great potential in capturing the inductive capability. However, it is still challenging to obtain precise representations of logic rules from KGs. The argument variability and predicate non-commutativity in symbolic rule integration make the modeling of component symbols difficult. To this end, we propose a novel inductive relation prediction model named SymRITa with a logic transformer integrating rules. SymRITa firstly extracts the subgraph, whose embeddings are captured by a graph network. Meanwhile, symbolic rule graphs in the subgraph can be generated. Then, the symbolic rules are modeled by a proposed logic transformer. Specifically, the input format based on the subgraph-based embeddings is to focus on the argument variability in symbolic rules. In addition, a conjunction attention mechanism in the logic transformer can resolve predicate non-commutativity in the symbolic rule integration process. Finally, the subgraph-based and symbol-based embeddings obtained from the previous steps are combined for the training regime, and prediction results as well as rules explaining the reasoning process are explicitly output. Extensive experiments on twelve inductive datasets show that SymRITa achieves outstanding effectiveness compared to state-of-the-art inductive baselines. Moreover, the logic rules with corresponding confidences provide an interpretable paradigm.

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Index Terms

  1. A Symbolic Rule Integration Framework with Logic Transformer for Inductive Relation Prediction



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