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Benchmark and Neural Architecture for Conversational Entity Retrieval from a Knowledge Graph

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History


This paper introduces a novel information retrieval (IR) task of Conversational Entity Retrieval from a Knowledge Graph (CER-KG), which extends non-conversational entity retrieval from a knowledge graph (KG) to the conversational scenario. The user queries in CER-KG dialog turns may rely on the results of the preceding turns, which are KG entities. Similar to the conversational document IR, CER-KG can be viewed as a sequence of interrelated ranking tasks. To enable future research on CER-KG, we created QBLink-KG, a publicly available benchmark that was adapted from QBLink, a benchmark for text-based conversational reading comprehension of Wikipedia. As an initial approach to CER-KG, we experimented with Transformer- and LSTM-based query encoders in combination with the Neural Architecture for Conversational Entity Retrieval (NACER), our proposed feature-based neural architecture for entity ranking in CER-KG. NACER computes the ranking score of a candidate KG entity by taking into account diverse lexical and semantic matching signals between various KG components in its neighborhood, such as entities, categories, and literals, as well as entities in the results of the preceding turns in dialog history. The reported experimental results reveal the key challenges of CER-KG along with the possible directions for new approaches to this task.

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  1. Benchmark and Neural Architecture for Conversational Entity Retrieval from a Knowledge Graph



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    WWW '24: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024
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