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View all- Koelbing MKieseberg KÇulha CGarn BSimos D(2024)Modelling smurfing patterns in cryptocurrencies with integer partitionsIET Blockchain10.1049/blc2.12087Online publication date: 23-Oct-2024
We present the design and implementation of a fourth-year undergraduate computer science elective course on cryptocurrency. The course introduces the basics of cryptocurrencies and blockchains using Bitcoin. Programming distributed applications for ...
Cryptocurrency anti-money laundering has become an important research topic in recent years. Legal empirical research combined with AI technology has received considerable attention. How to construct a knowledge graph of cryptocurrency anti-money ...
This research investigates the effect that news of a cryptocurrency theft has on the price of cryptocurrencies. This could include thefts from large exchanges, direct thefts to the technology or thefts of large holders of cryptocurrency. Conventual ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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