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PanoptiChrome: A Modern In-browser Taint Analysis Framework

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History


Taint tracking in web browsers is a problem of profound interest because it allows developers to accurately understand the flow of sensitive data across JavaScript (JS) functions. Modern websites load JS functions from either the web server or other third-party sites, hence this problem has acquired a much more complex and pernicious dimension. Sadly, for the latest version of the Chromium browser (used by 75% of users), there is no dynamic taint propagation engine primarily because it is incredibly complex to build one. The nearest contending work in this space was published in 2018 for version 57; at the time of writing, we are at Chromium version 117, and the current version is very different from the 2018 version. We outline the details of a multi-year effort in this paper that led to PanoptiChrome, which accurately tracks information flow across an arbitrary number of sources and sinks and is, to a large extent, portable across platforms. As an example use case of the platform, we experimentally show that we can discover fingerprinting APIs that can uniquely identify the browser and sometimes the user, which are missed by state-of-the-art tools, owing to our comprehensive dynamic analysis methodology. For the top 20,000 most popular websites, we discovered a total of 362 APIs that have the potential to be used for fingerprinting -- out of these, 208 APIs were previously not reported by state-of-the-art tools.

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Index Terms

  1. PanoptiChrome: A Modern In-browser Taint Analysis Framework



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      WWW '24: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024
      May 2024
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 13 May 2024


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      1. Javascript taint tracking
      2. browser fingerprinting
      3. chromium browser
      4. privacy
      5. program analysis
      6. web measurement


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      WWW '24
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