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Beyond Labels and Topics: Discovering Causal Relationships in Neural Topic Modeling

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History


Topic models that can take advantage of labels are broadly used in identifying interpretable topics from textual data. However, existing topic models tend to merely view labels as names of topic clusters or as categories of texts, thereby neglecting the potential causal relationships between supervised information and latent topics, as well as within these elements themselves. In this paper, we focus on uncovering possible causal relationships both between and within the supervised information and latent topics to better understand the mechanisms behind the emergence of the topics and the labels. To this end, we propose Causal Relationship-Aware Neural Topic Model (CRNTM), a novel neural topic model that can automatically uncover interpretable causal relationships between and within supervised information and latent topics, while concurrently discovering high-quality topics. In CRNTM, both supervised information and latent topics are treated as nodes, with the causal relationships represented as directed edges in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). A Structural Causal Model (SCM) is employed to model the DAG. Experiments are conducted on three public corpora with different types of labels. Experimental results show that the discovered causal relationships are both reliable and interpretable, and the learned topics are of high quality comparing with eight start-of-the-art topic model baselines.

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Published: 13 May 2024


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  1. causal relationships discovery
  2. neural topic model
  3. structural causal model


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  • the National Natural Science Foundation of China


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