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ConvSDG: Session Data Generation for Conversational Search

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History


Conversational search provides a more convenient interface for users to search by allowing multi-turn interaction with the search engine. However, the effectiveness of the conversational dense retrieval methods is limited by the scarcity of training data required for their fine-tuning. Thus, generating more training conversational sessions with relevant labels could potentially improve search performance. Based on the promising capabilities of large language models (LLMs) on text generation, we propose ConvSDG, a simple yet effective framework to explore the feasibility of boosting conversational search by using LLM for session data generation. Within this framework, we design dialogue/session-level and query-level data generation with unsupervised and semi-supervised learning, according to the availability of relevance judgments. The generated data are used to fine-tune the conversational dense retriever. Extensive experiments on four widely used datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and broad applicability of our ConvSDG framework compared with several strong baselines.

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  • (2025)ChatGPT Versus Modest Large Language Models: An Extensive Study on Benefits and Drawbacks for Conversational SearchIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2025.352974113(15253-15271)Online publication date: 2025



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  • (2025)ChatGPT Versus Modest Large Language Models: An Extensive Study on Benefits and Drawbacks for Conversational SearchIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2025.352974113(15253-15271)Online publication date: 2025

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