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The Utilization of AR/VR in Robotic Surgery: A Study

Published: 30 May 2023 Publication History


‘The surgeon, from a console in St Joseph's Hospital in Hamilton, Canada, who operates from 400km away was a headline that shook the whole world and created a mark in robot-assisted surgeries in the medical world. Doctors are thaumaturgical; saving lives and performing complex surgeries with high stakes. But doctors are also human, so they can even make errors during those procedures which might either generate a minor complexity or result in a fatal consequence. Whereas robots, unlike humans, do not make errors. They are a perfect accomplice during tasks requiring high precision, like in difficult surgeries. But what if we add augmented reality or virtual reality to the scene? How will they affect the traditional surgical methods? Will they benefit the scenario or make it worse? In this review, we will discuss AR/VR Assisted Robotic Surgery, its effects, the benefits of AR/VR in the medical industry, and how they are completely revolutionizing the surgical process in healthcare and review.


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ICIMMI '22: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Management & Machine Intelligence
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Published: 30 May 2023


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  1. Augmented Reality (AR)
  2. Extended Reality (XR)
  3. Healthcare
  4. Mixed Reality (MR)
  5. Robotic Surgery
  6. Simulated Reality
  7. Virtual Reality (VR)


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