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Tuhm: A Tool for Supporting Usability Tests on Mobile Applications

Published: 26 June 2023 Publication History


Context: A heuristic evaluation is an investigation method used by practitioners to perform usability tests on interfaces. Problem: Notwithstanding the importance of a heuristic evaluation in the execution of usability tests, it is a lengthy process that requires practitioners to explore all parts of a system with critical and meticulous attention to detail. Solution: This work proposes the development of a tool called Tuhm to support practitioners in the execution of heuristic evaluations on mobile applications. IS Theory: Design Theory relates to the heuristic evaluation of the development process of systems and Software Systems Theory relates to the ethical aspect of tools. Method: A validation study was conducted in which specialists were divided into two groups to evaluate a given application using Tuhm. One group used Tuhm during evaluation, and the other group performed the manual analysis of the application. Summary of Results: Our findings reveal that Tuhm made the evaluation process faster and more objective. In addition, it is easy to use, having a fast data entry format and an organized categorization of the problems found. Contributions and Impact in the IS area: Our findings also revealed a difficulty for specialists in reading the set of usability heuristics, as it is an overlong set. Therefore, it was identified the need for improving the presentation of the usability heuristics.


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SBSI '23: Proceedings of the XIX Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems
May 2023
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 26 June 2023


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  1. Usability
  2. heuristic evaluation
  3. mobile application
  4. usability heuristics
  5. usability test


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  • Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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  • (2024)Rumo a um processo de design para o desenvolvimento de aplicações mHealth: avaliando a usabilidade à luz do letramento digital em saúdeAnais do XXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde (SBCAS 2024)10.5753/sbcas.2024.2767(555-566)Online publication date: 25-Jun-2024

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