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Optimized Tokenization Process for Open-Vocabulary Code Completion: An Empirical Study

Published: 14 June 2023 Publication History


Studies have substantiated the efficacy of deep learning-based models in various source code modeling tasks. These models are usually trained on large datasets that are divided into smaller units, known as tokens, utilizing either an open or closed vocabulary system. The selection of a tokenization method can have a profound impact on the number of tokens generated, which in turn can significantly influence the performance of the model. This study investigates the effect of different tokenization methods on source code modeling and proposes an optimized tokenizer to enhance the tokenization performance. The proposed tokenizer employs a hybrid approach that initializes with a global vocabulary based on the most frequent unigrams and incrementally builds an open-vocabulary system. The proposed tokenizer is evaluated against popular tokenization methods such as Closed, Unigram, WordPiece, and BPE tokenizers, as well as tokenizers provided by large pre-trained models such as PolyCoder and CodeGen. The results indicate that the choice of tokenization method can significantly impact the number of sub-tokens generated, which can ultimately influence the modeling performance of a model. Furthermore, our empirical evaluation demonstrates that the proposed tokenizer outperforms other baselines, achieving improved tokenization performance both in terms of a reduced number of sub-tokens and time cost. In conclusion, this study highlights the significance of the choice of tokenization method in source code modeling and the potential for improvement through optimized tokenization techniques.


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  1. Optimized Tokenization Process for Open-Vocabulary Code Completion: An Empirical Study



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      EASE '23: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
      June 2023
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      Published: 14 June 2023


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      1. Code Tokenization
      2. Deep Learning
      3. Open-Vocabulary
      4. Source Code Modeling


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      • (2024)Exploring the Impact of Vocabulary Techniques on Code Completion: A Comparative ApproachInternational Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering10.1142/S021819402350068734:05(705-727)Online publication date: 13-Jan-2024
      • (2024)An Empirical Study on Python Library Dependency and Conflict Issues2024 IEEE 24th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS)10.1109/QRS62785.2024.00057(504-515)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2024
      • (2024)Data Pre-Processing Framework for Kannada Vachana Sahitya2024 International Conference on Advances in Modern Age Technologies for Health and Engineering Science (AMATHE)10.1109/AMATHE61652.2024.10582201(1-7)Online publication date: 16-May-2024

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