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Speech Spoofing Detection Based on Graph Attention Networks with Spectral and Temporal Information

Published: 01 January 2024 Publication History


Automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems are vulnerable to synthetic speech attacks. Synthetic algorithms usually introduce artifacts in specific sub-bands or time segments. However, under unknown spoofing attacks, it is challenging to choose the right domain for effective detection. In this paper, we propose a speech spoofing detection method based on graph attention networks with spectral and temporal information. First, high-level features of raw audio are extracted using SENet channel attention to enhance the spatial correlation between speech frames. Then, spectral graph and temporal graph are constructed for the high-level features using graph attention networks. Finally, we design a new heterogeneous multi-domain co-graph attention module to process the information from different domains for effective speech spoofing detection. The proposed model was evaluated on the ASVspoof 2019 dataset and obtains a min t-DCF of 0.0264 and an EER of 0.94%, exhibiting competitive performance. Experiments also show its effectiveness when detecting unknown types of attacks.


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Cited By

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  • (2024)Integrating Self-Supervised Pre-Training With Adversarial Learning for Synthesized Song Detection2024 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT)10.1109/SLT61566.2024.10832322(795-802)Online publication date: 2-Dec-2024
  • (2024)Spoofing Countermeasure for Fake Speech Detection Using Brute Force FeaturesComputer Speech & Language10.1016/j.csl.2024.101732(101732)Online publication date: Oct-2024

Index Terms

  1. Speech Spoofing Detection Based on Graph Attention Networks with Spectral and Temporal Information



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      MMAsia '23: Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Multimedia in Asia
      December 2023
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      Published: 01 January 2024


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      1. anti-spoofing
      2. attention mechanism.
      3. graph attention networks
      4. speech spoofing detection


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      MMAsia '23: ACM Multimedia Asia
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      • (2024)Integrating Self-Supervised Pre-Training With Adversarial Learning for Synthesized Song Detection2024 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT)10.1109/SLT61566.2024.10832322(795-802)Online publication date: 2-Dec-2024
      • (2024)Spoofing Countermeasure for Fake Speech Detection Using Brute Force FeaturesComputer Speech & Language10.1016/j.csl.2024.101732(101732)Online publication date: Oct-2024

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