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Towards Representation Alignment and Uniformity in Long-tailed Classification

Published: 01 January 2024 Publication History


The long-tailed distribution is a commonly observed probability distribution in the real world, wherein a majority of classes possess a large number of samples while a minority of classes have only a few samples. This distribution pattern often leads to imbalanced learning, where the model’s performance becomes dominated by the majority classes and the discriminative ability for minority classes deteriorates. Ideal attributes of representation learning include uniformity and alignment, which entail similar samples being close to each other and the uniform distribution of samples in the feature space to preserve maximal information. While optimizing these attributes directly on balanced datasets yields promising results, no prior efforts have focused on achieving them on long-tailed datasets. Therefore, we propose a novel learning strategy, BalAUM, which addresses this gap by explicitly controlling the optimization of uniformity and alignment, thereby improving the quality of representations. Specifically, we design a balanced alignment and uniformity loss within an AU (Alignment and Uniformity) loss framework. This loss incorporates class weights and class centers to alleviate the bias towards head classes, thus enhancing the optimization of uniformity and alignment for tail classes. Furthermore, considering the scarcity of instances in tail classes, we combine mixup with re-sampling to generate additional samples carrying tail class information, utilizing label re-weighting. This augmentation technique enhances the diversity of tail class samples, thereby improving their uniformity. Experimental results on the CIFAR10-LT, CIFAR100-LT, and ImageNet-LT datasets demonstrate that the BalAUM method achieves competitive performance.


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Index Terms

  1. Towards Representation Alignment and Uniformity in Long-tailed Classification



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    Published: 01 January 2024


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