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An Empirical Study on Low GPU Utilization of Deep Learning Jobs

Published: 12 April 2024 Publication History


Deep learning plays a critical role in numerous intelligent software applications. Enterprise developers submit and run deep learning jobs on shared, multi-tenant platforms to efficiently train and test models. These platforms are typically equipped with a large number of graphics processing units (GPUs) to expedite deep learning computations. However, certain jobs exhibit rather low utilization of the allocated GPUs, resulting in substantial resource waste and reduced development productivity. This paper presents a comprehensive empirical study on low GPU utilization of deep learning jobs, based on 400 real jobs (with an average GPU utilization of 50% or less) collected from Microsoft's internal deep learning platform. We discover 706 low-GPU-utilization issues through meticulous examination of job metadata, execution logs, runtime metrics, scripts, and programs. Furthermore, we identify the common root causes and propose corresponding fixes. Our main findings include: (1) Low GPU utilization of deep learning jobs stems from insufficient GPU computations and interruptions caused by non-GPU tasks; (2) Approximately half (46.03%) of the issues are attributed to data operations; (3) 45.18% of the issues are related to deep learning models and manifest during both model training and evaluation stages; (4) Most (84.99%) low-GPU-utilization issues could be fixed with a small number of code/script modifications. Based on the study results, we propose potential research directions that could help developers utilize GPUs better in cloud-based platforms.


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    • (2024)Contract-based Validation of Conceptual Design Bugs for Engineering Complex Machine Learning SoftwareProceedings of the ACM/IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems10.1145/3652620.3688201(155-161)Online publication date: 22-Sep-2024
    • (2024)Can Current SDS Controllers Scale To Modern HPC Infrastructures?Proceedings of the SC '24 Workshops of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis10.1109/SCW63240.2024.00123(861-868)Online publication date: 17-Nov-2024
    • (2024)Evolutionary Computation-Based Scheduling of Machine Learning Workloads for GPU Clusters2024 International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computer Applications (AEECA)10.1109/AEECA62331.2024.00123(697-701)Online publication date: 16-Aug-2024

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