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Flexible Advancement in Asynchronous BFT Consensus

Published: 23 October 2023 Publication History


Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) consensus protocols are becoming an appealing solution to blockchains. As most blockchain systems are deployed on Wide Area Networks (WANs), with each node acting on behalf of its entity, partially synchronous BFT protocols that rely on network synchrony to elect a single leader can be ill-suited. In contrast, asynchronous protocols have no such timing assumptions. Existing asynchronous protocols confront challenges in terms of both flexibility and performance.
Towards enabling adaptability of asynchronous BFT protocols, we propose a new paradigm for bridging ordering and agreement components. Nodes in the new paradigm can propose and commit blocks in a more flexible manner, in order to suit various workloads in our production environment. To boost performance, we propose SuperMA, an efficient multi-valued agreement protocol. SuperMA in the best case can terminate in three message delays, achieving optimal latency. We further present MyTumbler, a timestamp-based state machine replication protocol. MyTumbler is enhanced by our new paradigm and uses SuperMA as its agreement component. Large-scale experiments on WAN cloud clusters demonstrate the viability of MyTumbler for a wide range of application scenarios.


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