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Analysis Factors of Intention to Use and Satisfaction in Indonesia Mobile Banking (M-Banking) Adoption using a Systematic Literature Review Method

Published: 22 August 2023 Publication History


Abstract - Advances in information and communication technology make it easy in various fields, especially in terms of information and communication. This is shown by the many banking industries that are highly developed in the advancement of services that help customers transact without space and time limitations. The purpose of this research is to find out what factors influence the level of customer satisfaction and the desire to use an application or system to return to the use of mobile banking services. This study uses a qualitative method with a systematic literature review (SLR) approach with 3 study processes, namely consisting of "Found Studies", "Candidate Studies", and "Selected Studies". and 32 Selected Studies. Of the 32 publications that have been selected by the research objectives, which resulted in the discovery of 5 main key factors that influence the level of satisfaction and the desire of users or customers to use mobile banking. These five main key factors are Intention, Trust, Loyalty, Attitude, and Satisfaction. The results found from this study are that the attitude factor is more influenced by Perceived Usefulness, the loyalty factor is more influenced by Satisfaction, the trust factor is more influenced by Usability, the satisfaction factor is more influenced by usability, and finally, the Intention to use factor is more influenced by trust. By knowing the influence of these main key factors, it is hoped that this will be a useful solution to increase customer interest regarding the use of mobile banking applications or systems. From the bank's point of view, it is hoped that this research will be useful to find out which services can be improved in the future.


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  1. Analysis Factors of Intention to Use and Satisfaction in Indonesia Mobile Banking (M-Banking) Adoption using a Systematic Literature Review Method
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