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Multi-decoder Networks for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Published: 26 October 2023 Publication History


To improve the performance of semi-supervised image segmentation, it is important to effectively generate pseudo-labels from unlabeled images. However, the impact of pseudo-label confidence on segmentation performance is often overlooked. Low-confidence pseudo-labels can misguide the model and lead to overfitting, making it challenging to use them effectively. To address this issue, we propose a consistency constraint-based network that employs one encoder and three decoders () to generate distinct pseudo-labels. To assess the confidence of the generated pseudo-labels, we introduce a critic network that learns relevant features and effectively regularizes the confidence of -generated pseudo-labels. For evaluating the unlabeled images, we define a loss function that minimizes entropy, consisting of three sets of losses. We compare the performance of our model with two other semi-supervised segmentation algorithms using Dice, MAE, and F1 indicators. Our results demonstrate that the model outperforms the comparison models on all three metrics. In summary, our proposed consistency constraint-based network with a critic network and entropy-based loss function can effectively generate high-confidence pseudo-labels for semi-supervised image segmentation and improve the overall performance of the model.


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  1. Multi-decoder Networks for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation



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    ICDIP '23: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Digital Image Processing
    May 2023
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    Published: 26 October 2023


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    1. Consistency Constraints
    2. Medical Image Segmentation
    3. Pseudo-label Learning
    4. Semi-supervised Learning


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