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Scanning or Simply Unengaged in Reading? Opportune Moments for Pushed News Notifications and Their Relationship with Smartphone Users' Choice of News-reading Modes

Published: 13 September 2023 Publication History


News notifications on smartphones provide a convenient way to stay informed, but their delivery timing can influence user engagement. Despite this, research on the impact of notification timing on reading behavior remains limited. Therefore, we developed NewsMoment, a news aggregation app that monitors user reading patterns and sends news notifications. Our experience sampling study with 46 NewsMoment users revealed four distinct reading modes: typical, comprehensive, scanning, and unengaged. Deep reading, encompassing typical and comprehensive modes, more often occurred during self-initiated browsing rather than through pushed news. Interestingly, shallow reading modes - unengaged and scanning - showed varying prevalence, associated triggers, and engagement, despite their similarities. Importantly, unengaged reading persisted regardless of users' perceived moment opportuneness, whereas scanning reading was more common during inopportune moments. These findings suggest that identifying opportune moments for news reading may primarily reduce scanning reading, without substantially impacting unengaged reading.


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  1. Scanning or Simply Unengaged in Reading? Opportune Moments for Pushed News Notifications and Their Relationship with Smartphone Users' Choice of News-reading Modes



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    • (2023)DComp: Efficient Offload of LSM-tree Compaction with Data Processing UnitsProceedings of the 52nd International Conference on Parallel Processing10.1145/3605573.3605633(233-243)Online publication date: 7-Aug-2023

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