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Optimizing Read Performance of HBase through Dynamic Control of Data Block Sizes and KVCache

Published: 21 May 2024 Publication History


LSM-Tree-based key-value stores such as HBase, RocksDB, and Cassandra use a fixed data block size. In this study, we show that using a fixed block size can lead to unnecessary read amplification and cache pollution. To address this issue, we propose a dynamic data block size control method to store small key-values in small data blocks and large key-values in large data blocks to minimize disk I/Os. However, using small data blocks for small key-values can result in performance issues due to increased disk seeks. To mitigate this problem, we implement a two-level cache system, which involves a lower level conventional BlockCache for storing larger, coarse-grained data blocks and an upper level cache, KVCache, for storing smaller, fine-grained key-value pairs. Our experiments show that the dynamic data block size control and fine-grained KVCache help effectively reduce read amplification and improve read performance in HBase.


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SAC '24: Proceedings of the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
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Association for Computing Machinery

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  2. log-structured merge tree


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