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Seawater Temperature Prediction that Adapts to Changes in Water Depth

Published: 20 August 2023 Publication History


Changes in seawater temperature affect the daily decisions of aquaculture farmers. To make optimal decisions, farmers need highly accurate predictions of seawater temperature at specific depths in their farms. Nevertheless, few studies have focused on the prediction of seawater temperature at the depths required by farmers, in contrast to the prediction of sea surface temperature (SST), which has been the focus of much research. The purpose of this paper is to establish these undersea predictions as a branch of seawater temperature prediction alongside SST prediction. We focus on undersea temperature data measured by moored buoys at five points with different characteristics to handle multiple depths and provide a careful description of the extensive analysis and pre-processing involved in making predictions. We then use these data to evaluate short-term and long-term predictions for 24 hours and seven days, respectively. As a predicting model, we proposed a deep learning model with gated recurrent units (GRUs) adaptive to water depth and compared it with standard mathematical models such as LightGBM and CatBoost. One of the results is that our model is more than 10% more accurate than the mathematical model for 7-day-ahead predictions. In addition, to support the superiority of our depth-adaptive model, we tested the reduction in prediction accuracy by eliminating the consideration of multiple depths for the inputs and outputs of the model. Our extensive analysis of the impact of changes in water depth on temperature prediction results and our corresponding proposed prediction model provides the foundation for meeting the demand for seawater temperature prediction at the depth that is truly needed in the aquaculture.


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ICCTA '23: Proceedings of the 2023 9th International Conference on Computer Technology Applications
May 2023
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Published: 20 August 2023


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  1. aquaculture
  2. moored buoys
  3. multiple depths
  4. seawater temperature prediction


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