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Generalised Bias Mitigation for Personality Computing

Published: 29 October 2023 Publication History


Building systems with the capability of predicting the socio-emotional states of humans has many promising applications. However, if not properly designed, such systems might lead to biased decisions if biased data was used for training. Bias mitigation remains an open problem, which tackles the correction of a model's disparate performance over different groups defined by particular sensitive attributes (e.g., gender, age, race). Most existing methods are designed and tested in simple settings, limiting their general applicability to more complex real-world scenarios. In this work, we design a novel fairness loss function named Multi-Group Parity (MGP) to provide a generalised approach for bias mitigation in personality computing. In contrast to existing works in the literature, MGP is generalised as it features four 'multiple' properties (4Mul): multiple tasks, multiple modalities, multiple sensitive attributes, and multi-valued attributes. Extensive experiments on two large multi-modal benchmark personality computing datasets demonstrate that the MGP sets new state-of-the-art performance both in the traditional and in the proposed 4Mul settings.


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  • (2024)MRAC Track 1: 2nd Workshop on Multimodal, Generative and Responsible Affective ComputingProceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multimodal and Responsible Affective Computing10.1145/3689092.3690042(1-6)Online publication date: 28-Oct-2024

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  1. Generalised Bias Mitigation for Personality Computing



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    MRAC '23: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimodal and Responsible Affective Computing
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    • (2024)MRAC Track 1: 2nd Workshop on Multimodal, Generative and Responsible Affective ComputingProceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multimodal and Responsible Affective Computing10.1145/3689092.3690042(1-6)Online publication date: 28-Oct-2024

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