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Seq2Seq or Seq2Tree: Generating Code Using Both Paradigms via Mutual Learning

Published: 05 October 2023 Publication History


Code generation aims to automatically generate the source code based on given natural language (NL) descriptions, which is of great significance for automated software development. Some code generation models follow a language model-based paradigm (LMBP) to generate source code tokens sequentially. Some others focus on deriving the grammatical structure by generating the program’s abstract syntax tree (AST), i.e., using the grammatical structure-based paradigm (GSBP). Existing studies are trying to generate code through one of the above two models. However, human developers often consider both paradigms: building the grammatical structure of the code and writing source code sentences according to the language model. Therefore, we argue that code generation should consider both GSBP and LMBP. In this paper, we use mutual learning to combine two classes of models to make the two different paradigms train together. To implement the mutual learning framework, we design alignment methods between code and AST. Under this framework, models can be enhanced through shared encoders and knowledge interaction in aligned training steps. We experiment on three Python-based code generation datasets. Experimental results and ablation analysis confirm the effectiveness of our approach. Our results demonstrate that considering both GSBP and LMBP is helpful in improving the performance of code generation.


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  1. Seq2Seq or Seq2Tree: Generating Code Using Both Paradigms via Mutual Learning



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    Internetware '23: Proceedings of the 14th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware
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    Published: 05 October 2023


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    1. abstract syntax tree
    2. code generation
    3. mutual learning
    4. neural networks


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