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Efficient Area Coverage with Optimal Morphologies of Reconfigurable Smorphi Robot

Published: 02 November 2023 Publication History


The use of reconfigurable robots for cleaning is ideal due to their versatility and ability to adapt to the environment. However, frequent shape changes consume a lot of energy, limiting the battery life. This paper presents a framework that uses metaheuristic algorithms to determine the optimal shape of the robot to maximize coverage and minimize energy consumption. The approach uses Speed constrained multi-objective particle swarm optimization (SMPSO) and Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm2 (SPEA2) to generate the optimal shapes out of high number of possible morphologies for a given area and its map layout. The unique feature of this approach is the implementation of footprint-based path planning that can be used for all robot configurations. The effectiveness of the framework is demonstrated using a Tetris-inspired robot named Smorphi. The results show that the proposed framework is suitable for selecting optimal energy-efficient morphology of the Tetris inspired reconfigurable robot for area coverage task.


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  1. Efficient Area Coverage with Optimal Morphologies of Reconfigurable Smorphi Robot



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    AIR '23: Proceedings of the 2023 6th International Conference on Advances in Robotics
    July 2023
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    Published: 02 November 2023


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    1. Area coverage
    2. Design principles
    3. Footprint based path planning
    4. Reconfigurable robot
    5. Smorphi


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    • Robotics Enabling Capabilities and Technologies (Ermine III: Deployable Reconfigurable Robots)


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