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A Graph-Based Formal Semantics of Reactive Programming from First Principles

Published: 16 October 2023 Publication History


In recent years, stream processing has become the de facto paradigm to process any kind of real-time data in many kinds of applications. Different libraries, frameworks and techniques exists which aim to make it easy to build stream processing applications in many modern programming languages...Libraries such as Reactive Extensions, Akka Streams, or web frameworks such as React and Vue are all based on the idea of data streams that model the flow of data in applications. To the best of our knowledge, there exist no formalism which captures the essential core semantics of these approaches in a straightforward, easy to understand, manner: namely its graph-based program structure and the way how values propagate through this graph. In this paper, we present Karcharias, a formalisation of reactive programming – a model that shares many core ideas found in the various aforementioned libraries and frameworks – that is built from first principles. Instead of extending an existing language with a graph-based stream processing framework, and formalising this integrated language, we formalised the reactive programming paradigm without relying on a base language (such as the λ -calculus). Using our formalism, we show how reactive programs (and thus, stream-based programs in general) need a way to construct a graph and to propagate events through that graph, even in the absence of a base language.


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FTfJP '22: Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs
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Published: 16 October 2023


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