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Enhancing Coverage-Guided Fuzzing via Phantom Program

Published: 30 November 2023 Publication History


For coverage-guided fuzzers, many of their adopted seeds are usually underused by exploring limited program states since essentially all their executions have to abide by rigorous program dependencies while only limited seeds are capable of accessing dependencies. Moreover, even when iteratively executing such limited seeds, the fuzzers have to repeatedly access the covered program states before uncovering new states. Such facts indicate that exploration power on program states of seeds has not been sufficiently leveraged by the existing coverage-guided fuzzing strategies. To tackle these issues, we propose a coverage-guided fuzzer, namely MirageFuzz, to mitigate the program dependencies when executing seeds for enhancing their exploration power on program states. Specifically, MirageFuzz first creates a “phantom” program of the target program by reducing its program dependencies corresponding to conditional statements while retaining their original semantics. Accordingly, MirageFuzz performs dual fuzzing, i.e., the source fuzzing to fuzz the original program and the phantom fuzzing to fuzz the phantom program simultaneously. Then, MirageFuzz applies the taint-based mutation mechanism to generate a new seed by updating the target conditional statement of a given seed from the source fuzzing with the corresponding condition value derived by the phantom fuzzing. To evaluate the effectiveness of MirageFuzz, we build a benchmark suite with 18 projects commonly adopted by recent fuzzing papers, and select seven open-source fuzzers as baselines for performance comparison with MirageFuzz. The experiment results suggest that MirageFuzz outperforms our baseline fuzzers from 13.42% to 77.96% averagely. Furthermore, MirageFuzz exposes 29 previously unknown bugs where 4 of them have been confirmed and 3 have been fixed by the corresponding developers.

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"For coverage-guided fuzzers, many of their adopted seeds are usually underused by exploring limited program states since essentially all their executions have to abide by rigorous program dependencies while only limited seeds are capable of accessing dependencies. Moreover, even when iteratively executing such limited seeds, the fuzzers have to repeatedly access the covered program states before uncovering new states. Such facts indicate that exploration power on program states of seeds has not been sufficiently leveraged by the existing coverage-guided fuzzing strategies. To tackle these issues, we propose a coverage-guided fuzzer, namely MirageFuzz, to mitigate the program dependencies when executing seeds for enhancing their exploration power on program states. Specifically, MirageFuzz first creates a “phantom” program of the target program by reducing its program dependencies corresponding to conditional statements while retaining their original semantics. Accordingly, MirageFuzz performs dual fuzzing, i.e., the source fuzzing to fuzz the original program and the phantom fuzzing to fuzz the phantom program simultaneously. Then, MirageFuzz applies the taint-based mutation mechanism to generate a new seed by updating the target conditional statement of a given seed from the source fuzzing with the corresponding condition value derived by the phantom fuzzing. To evaluate the effectiveness of MirageFuzz, we build a benchmark suite with 18 projects commonly adopted by recent fuzzing papers, and select seven open-source fuzzers as baselines for performance comparison with MirageFuzz. The experiment results suggest that MirageFuzz outperforms our baseline fuzzers from 13.42% to 77.96% averagely. Furthermore, MirageFuzz exposes 29 previously unknown bugs where 4 of them have been confirmed and 3 have been fixed by the corresponding developers."


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ESEC/FSE 2023: Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
November 2023
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Published: 30 November 2023


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