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Metamong: Detecting Render-Update Bugs in Web Browsers through Fuzzing

Published: 30 November 2023 Publication History


A render-update bug arises when a web browser produces an erroneous rendering output due to incorrect rendering updates. Such render-update bugs seriously harm the usability and reliability of web browsers. However, we find that detecting render-update bugs is challenging because the render-update bug is a semantic bug - given a rendering result, it is difficult to determine if it is correct due to the complex rendering specification of DOM and CSS. Thus, unlike memory corruption bugs, the incorrect rendering output does not raise the violation or crash. In practice, render-update bug detection relies on the time-prohibitive manual analysis of domain experts to determine the bug.
This paper proposes Metamong, an automated framework to detect render-update bugs without false positive issues via differential fuzz testing. Metamong features two key components: (i) page mutator, and (ii) render-update oracle. The page mutator generates render-update operations, which change the content of the web page, to trigger a render-update bug. The render-update oracle exploits an HTML standard rule, so-called yielding, to produce the correct rendering result of a given web page. Combining these components, Metamong creates two HTML files where each constructs the same web page, but only one of them induces the render-update. It then uses differential testing to compare their rendering outputs to determine a bug. We implemented a prototype of Metamong, which performs differential fuzz testing on popular browsers, Chrome and Firefox. By far, Metamong identified 19 new render-update bugs, 17 in Chrome and two in Firefox. All of those have been confirmed by each browser vendor and five are already fixed, demonstrating the practical effectiveness of Metamong in identifying render-update bugs.

Supplementary Material

Video (fse23main-p966-p-video.mp4)
"Resource leaks, which are caused by acquired resources not being released, often result in performance degradation and system crashes. Resource leak detection mainly relies on two essential components. First, identify the potential pairs of the Resource Acquisition API method and the corresponding Resource Release API method (textit{RAR pairs} for short); then based on the RAR pairs, analyze the code to check whether the release API is not subsequently called after the acquisition API. While the majority of existing resource leak detection techniques are concentrated on proposing more precise and more scalable code analysis, a few of them focus on building a more textit{complete} RAR pair pool. In particular, existing techniques only consider RAR pairs that are manually predefined or mined from project-specific code corpus. Such RAR pairs have limited coverage in libraries/APIs and might miss potential RAR pairs in the code, which further limits the effectiveness of the subsequent analysis. To build a more complete RAR pair pool for resource leak detection, in this work, we propose to represent resource-operation knowledge as textbf{abstract resource acquisition/release operation pairs} (textit{Abs-RAR pairs} for short), and mine such Abs-RAR pairs from a large code corpus. Based on this idea, we propose MiROK, a novel approach for textbf{Mi}ning textbf{R}esource textbf{O}peration textbf{K}nowledge, which aims at constructing a better RAR pair pool to support resource leak detection. Given a large code corpus, MiROK first mines Abs-RAR pairs with novel rule-based pair expansion and learning-based pair identification strategies, and then instantiates these Abs-RAR pairs into concrete RAR pairs. We implement MiROK and apply it to mine RAR pairs from a large code corpus of 1,454,224 Java methods and 20,000 Maven libraries. We then perform an extensive evaluation to investigate the mining effectiveness of MiROK and the practical usage of its mined RAR pairs for supporting resource leak detection. Our results show that MiROK mines 1,313 new Abs-RAR pairs and instantiates them into 10,766 RAR pairs with a high precision (i.e., 93.3%). In addition, we feed our mined RAR pairs to existing resource leak analysis approaches, and help them detect more resource leak defects in both online code examples and open-source projects. Our results indicate both the high quality and practical usage of our mined RAR pairs."


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ESEC/FSE 2023: Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
November 2023
2215 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 30 November 2023


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  1. fuzz testing
  2. rendering update
  3. web-browser


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