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View all- Ткачук А(2024)Автоматизація рефакторингу коду із використанням бази знань і логічних правилScientific Bulletin of UNFU10.36930/4034021134:2(87-93)Online publication date: 4-Mar-2024
Aspect-Oriented Programming is an emerging programming paradigm providing novel constructs that eliminate code scattering and tangling by modularizing crosscutting concerns in their own aspect modules. Many current aspect-oriented languages are ...
Pattern composition has been shown as a challenge to applying design patterns in real software systems. One of the main problems is that multiple design patterns in a system are not limited to affect only the application concerns. They also crosscut ...
HighlightsWe investigated the scalability of AOP for composing GoF design patterns.We study the benefits and drawbacks of AOP for composing GoF design patterns.Category of the pattern is a dominant factor impacting the pattern composability.Programming ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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