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View all- Lelli VSantos ISousa FBraide L(2024)Aplicação do POGIL no ensino de ComputaçãoAnais do IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação (EDUCOMP 2024)10.5753/educomp.2024.237541(224-233)Online publication date: 22-Apr-2024
Despite being the most used approach in teaching software testing in Brazil, the traditional teaching method might not simulate, facilitate or motivate the learning of the testing process and its activities. As a result, undergraduate students may not ...
Beanstalk is an educational game that teaches balance-fulcrum principles, targeting children ages 5-11. Four versions of the game were deployed on the web through the educational portal Two of the versions incorporate non-player characters ...
The development and testing of software-based systems is an essential activity for the automotive industry. The 50-70 software-based systems with different complexities and developed by various suppliers are installed in today's premium vehicles, ...
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